Contract manufacturing
We organize production under your private label
Contract manufacturing is the production of products under the customer's brand at the facilities of an independent manufacturer that ensures full compliance with the technological cycle and quality control of finished products by customer requirements.
Based on the product specification and customer requirements, we will select the most suitable manufacturers. The selection is carried out based on an analysis of such factors as pricing policy within the customer's budget, manufacturer's reputation, compliance of production facilities with the customer's potential, know-how, and marketing support, the convenience of logistics, organization of quality control, work with claims, warranty conditions.
We can also take care of all communication with manufacturers, label and packaging development, logistics, and customs procedures, and thus act as your main supplier. In other words, we will take the burden of organizational issues off your shoulders and provide you with the right product under your brand at an agreed price.

Price request form
Please fill out and send us the form below. We will prepare a formal quote and contact you to discuss the details of your project.